French\\s Index of Differential Diagnosis an A-Z
French\\s Index of Differential Diagnosis an A-Z
ISBN 9781482230703 作者/出版社 Kinirons / CRC 出版年代/版次 2016/16
定價NT$ 3,583
NT$ 3,404
(舊版特價-恕不退換)Harrison's Manual of Medicine (IE)
(舊版特價-恕不退換)Harrison's Manual of Medicine (IE)
ISBN 9781259255083 作者/出版社 *Kasper / McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2016/19
定價NT$ 1,100
NT$ 715
(舊版特價-恕不退換)Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods with ExpertConsult
(舊版特價-恕不退換)Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods with ExpertConsult
ISBN 9780323295680 作者/出版社 McPherson / Elsevier 出版年代/版次 2017/23
定價NT$ 7,000
NT$ 4,550
Crash Course: General Medicine
Crash Course: General Medicine
ISBN 9780723436331 作者/出版社 Leach/Mosby 出版年代/版次 2013/4頁數 : 512 pages
定價NT$ 1,589
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Crash Course House Officer\s Guide
Crash Course House Officer\s Guide
ISBN 0723431973 作者/出版社 Witham/Mosby 出版年代/版次 2004/1
定價NT$ 1,100
NT$ 1,045
Crash Course: History and Physical Examination with STUDENT CONSULT Access
Crash Course: History and Physical Examination with STUDENT CONSULT Access
ISBN 0323035612 作者/出版社 Gordon/Mosby 出版年代/版次 2005/1
定價NT$ 1,050
NT$ 998
破解臨床技巧(Clinical Skills Explained)
破解臨床技巧(Clinical Skills Explained)
ISBN 9789863681250 作者/出版社 *程慧娟 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2016/1
定價NT$ 800
NT$ 720
The Washington Manual of Bedside Procedures
The Washington Manual of Bedside Procedures
ISBN 9781496323705 作者/出版社 Freer/LWW 出版年代/版次 2016/1
定價NT$ 1,000
NT$ 950
解讀醫學檢驗100例-個案精解及診斷分析(100 Cases for Medical Data Interpretation)
解讀醫學檢驗100例-個案精解及診斷分析(100 Cases for Medical Data Interpretation)
ISBN 9789863681588 作者/出版社 *陳建志 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2017/1
定價NT$ 700
NT$ 630
Essential Examination
Essential Examination
ISBN 9781907904103 作者/出版社 Ruthven / Scion 出版年代/版次 2016/3
定價NT$ 980
NT$ 931
Medical Laboratory Science Flashcards for Examinations and Certification Review
Medical Laboratory Science Flashcards for Examinations and Certification Review
ISBN 9780071848367 作者/出版社 Laposata / McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2015/1
定價NT$ 1,550
NT$ 1,473
Blueprints Medicine
Blueprints Medicine
ISBN 9781469864150 作者/出版社 Young / LWW 出版年代/版次 2016/6
定價NT$ 1,320
NT$ 1,254
Perioperative Medicine for the Junior Clinician
定價 2,374
Perioperative Medicine for the Junior Clinician 301-7916 定價 2,374 特價2,255
ISBN 9781118779163 作者/出版社 Symons / Wiley-Blackwell 出版年代/版次 2015/1
定價NT$ 2,374
NT$ 2,255
實用身體檢查手冊(Essential Examination,second edition:step-by-step system-based guide to clinical examination with practical tips and key facts for OSCEs/2e)
實用身體檢查手冊(Essential Examination,second edition:step-by-step system-based guide to clinical examination with practical tips and key facts for OSCEs/2e)
ISBN 9789863680895 作者/出版社 *蔡詩力 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2015/1
定價NT$ 280
NT$ 252
(舊版特價-恕不退換)Davidsons Essentials of Medicine (IE)
(舊版特價-恕不退換)Davidsons Essentials of Medicine (IE)
ISBN 9780702055935 作者/出版社 Innes / Churchill Livingstone 出版年代/版次 2016/2
定價NT$ 1,200
NT$ 780
(舊版特價-恕不退換)The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine
(舊版特價-恕不退換)The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine
ISBN 9781451143270 作者/出版社 Sateia / LWW 出版年代/版次 2015/2
定價NT$ 1,400
NT$ 910
Practical Medical Procedures at a Glance
Practical Medical Procedures at a Glance
ISBN 9781118632857 作者/出版社 Thomas / Wiley-Blackwell 出版年代/版次 2015/1
定價NT$ 1,250
NT$ 1,188
醫學教育新翻轉:21世紀改革大趨勢(Transforming Medical Education for the 21st Century: Megatrends, Priorities and Change)
醫學教育新翻轉:21世紀改革大趨勢(Transforming Medical Education for the 21st Century: Megatrends, Priorities and Change)
ISBN 9789863680529 作者/出版社 梁繼權 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2015/1
定價NT$ 390
NT$ 351
Color Atlas of Internal Medicine
Color Atlas of Internal Medicine
ISBN 9780071772389 作者/出版社 Usatine / McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2015/1
定價NT$ 3,300
NT$ 3,135
*Oxford Assess and Progress: Clinical Medicine
*Oxford Assess and Progress: Clinical Medicine
ISBN 9780199674046 作者/出版社 Liakos / Oxford 出版年代/版次 2014/2
定價NT$ 945
NT$ 898
The Hands-on Guide to the Foundation Programme
The Hands-on Guide to the Foundation Programme
ISBN 9781118767467 作者/出版社 Donald / Wiley-Blackwell 出版年代/版次 2015/5
定價NT$ 1,200
NT$ 1,140
醫療業務口袋書:專供醫師.護理師臨床運用之實務指引(MA Notes: Medical Assistant\s Pocket Guide)
醫療業務口袋書:專供醫師.護理師臨床運用之實務指引(MA Notes: Medical Assistant\s Pocket Guide)
ISBN 9789863680512 作者/出版社 *宋婉瑜 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2015/1
定價NT$ 250
NT$ 225
Clinical Skills
Clinical Skills
ISBN 9780199574926 作者/出版社 Roper / Oxford 出版年代/版次 2014/2
定價NT$ 1,924
NT$ 1,828
(舊版特價-恕不退換)Laboratory Medicine: The Diagnosis of Disease in the Clinical Laboratory (IE)0
(舊版特價-恕不退換)Laboratory Medicine: The Diagnosis of Disease in the Clinical Laboratory (IE)0
ISBN 9781259255137 作者/出版社 Laposata / McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2014/2
定價NT$ 1,200
NT$ 780
華盛頓門診內科學手冊(The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine)
華盛頓門診內科學手冊(The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine)
ISBN 9789863680079 作者/出版社 李郁慧 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 1,100
NT$ 990
貝氏身體檢查指引口袋書(第二版)(Bates\\ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking)
貝氏身體檢查指引口袋書(第二版)(Bates\\ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking)
ISBN 9789863680093 作者/出版社 *邱淑美 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 680
NT$ 612
實習醫師口袋指南:常見臨床病例(Pocket Guide to Internship: Common Clinical Cases/2e)(P)
實習醫師口袋指南:常見臨床病例(Pocket Guide to Internship: Common Clinical Cases/2e)(P)
ISBN 9789863411338 作者/出版社 *劉欣瑜 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 500
NT$ 450
Understanding Medical Professionalism
Understanding Medical Professionalism
ISBN 9780071807432 作者/出版社 Levinson / McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 1,100
NT$ 1,045
OSCE臨床技術手冊(第二版)(OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook/2e)(P)
OSCE臨床技術手冊(第二版)(OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook/2e)(P)
ISBN 9789863680000 作者/出版社 *陳怡行 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 980
NT$ 882
內科快速記憶隨身手冊(Medicine Recall)
內科快速記憶隨身手冊(Medicine Recall)
ISBN 9789861269825 作者/出版社 *劉佑閿 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 800
NT$ 720
The Teaching Hospital: Brigham and Women\\s Hospital and the Evolution of Academic Medicine
The Teaching Hospital: Brigham and Women\\s Hospital and the Evolution of Academic Medicine
ISBN 9780071784016 作者/出版社 Tishler / McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 1,200
NT$ 1,140
Problem-Oriented Medical Diagnosis
Problem-Oriented Medical Diagnosis
ISBN 9780781729550 作者/出版社 Friedman / LWW 出版年代/版次 2001/7
定價NT$ 1,350
NT$ 1,215
History and Physical Examination: A Common Sense Approach
History and Physical Examination: A Common Sense Approach
ISBN 9781449660260 作者/出版社 Kauffman / Jones & Bartlett 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 1,700
NT$ 1,615
Medical Sciences at a Glance: Practice Workbook
Medical Sciences at a Glance: Practice Workbook
ISBN 9780470654491 作者/出版社 Scaber / Wiley-Blackwell 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 900
NT$ 855
Medical Sciences at a Glance
Medical Sciences at a Glance
ISBN 9781118360927 作者/出版社 Randall /Wiley-Blackwell 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 1,100
NT$ 1,045
Ferris Practical Guide: Fast Facts for Patient Care (Expert Consult - Online and Print)
Ferris Practical Guide: Fast Facts for Patient Care (Expert Consult - Online and Print)
ISBN 9781455744596 作者/出版社 Ferri/Mosby 出版年代/版次 2014/9
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NT$ 1,758
醫學生求生手冊(2)臨床生涯(The Medical Students Survival Guide 2: Going Clinical)
醫學生求生手冊(2)臨床生涯(The Medical Students Survival Guide 2: Going Clinical)
ISBN 9789861269658 作者/出版社 *林奕萱/合記 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 300
NT$ 270
The Ultimate Guide to the Physician Assistant Profession: A Personal Mentoring Guide to Success
The Ultimate Guide to the Physician Assistant Profession: A Personal Mentoring Guide to Success
ISBN 9780071801942 作者/出版社 Rodriguez/McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 700
NT$ 665
Essential Facts On the Go: Internal Medicine
Essential Facts On the Go: Internal Medicine
ISBN 9780071770552 作者/出版社 Stern/McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 1,800
NT$ 1,710
Internal Medicine A Guide to Clinical Therapeutics
Internal Medicine A Guide to Clinical Therapeutics
ISBN 9780071745802 作者/出版社 *Attridge/McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2013/1
定價NT$ 1,200
NT$ 1,140
100 Cases in Clinical Medicine
100 Cases in Clinical Medicine
ISBN 9781444174298 作者/出版社 Rees/CRC Press 出版年代/版次 2014/3
定價NT$ 1,300
NT$ 1,235
Point of Care Medicine: A Concise Guide to the Care of the Hospitalized Patient (IE)
Point of Care Medicine: A Concise Guide to the Care of the Hospitalized Patient (IE)
ISBN 9789814581615 作者/出版社 *Slonim /McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2013/1
定價NT$ 900
NT$ 855
CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment Study Guide (IE) (LANGE CURRENT Series)
CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment Study Guide (IE) (LANGE CURRENT Series)
ISBN 9781259095061 作者/出版社 Quinn/McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2014/1
定價NT$ 800
NT$ 760
Resident Readiness Internal Medicine (IE)
Resident Readiness Internal Medicine (IE)
ISBN 9781259095276 作者/出版社 Klamen/McGraw-Hill 出版年代/版次 2013/1
定價NT$ 500
NT$ 475
駐院科醫師手冊-病房醫師必備的第一本書(The Hospitalist Manual)
駐院科醫師手冊-病房醫師必備的第一本書(The Hospitalist Manual)
ISBN 9789861269177 作者/出版社 *戴瑞億/合記 出版年代/版次 2013/1
定價NT$ 450
NT$ 405
Interpreting Laboratory Data: A Point-of-Care Guide (Point-of-Care Guides)
Interpreting Laboratory Data: A Point-of-Care Guide (Point-of-Care Guides)
ISBN 9789746522625 作者/出版社 Schmidt/ASHP 出版年代/版次 2012/1
定價NT$ 550
NT$ 523
ABC of Medically Unexplained Symptoms
ABC of Medically Unexplained Symptoms
ISBN 9781119967255 作者/出版社 Burton/Wiley-Blackwell 出版年代/版次 2013/1
定價NT$ 950
NT$ 903
How to Succeed at the Medical Interview
How to Succeed at the Medical Interview
ISBN 9781118393833 作者/出版社 Smith/Wiley-Blackwell 出版年代/版次 2013/2
定價NT$ 900
NT$ 855
OSCEs at a Glance
OSCEs at a Glance
ISBN 9780470671313 作者/出版社 Blundell/Wiley-Blackwell 出版年代/版次 2013/2
定價NT$ 1,250
NT$ 1,188
高分通過OSCE指引:臨床檢查與操作技能(The Finalists Guide to Passing the OSCE:Clinical Examinations and Procedures)
高分通過OSCE指引:臨床檢查與操作技能(The Finalists Guide to Passing the OSCE:Clinical Examinations and Procedures)
ISBN 9789861269115 作者/出版社 *謝明蓁/合記 出版年代/版次 2013/1
定價NT$ 270
NT$ 243