Nurse to Nurse: Palliative Care-Expert Interventions (Includes Full-text PDA download)


Campbell / McGraw-Hill
2008 / 1

定價NT$ 680
NT$ 612

頁數:282    裝訂:平裝  開數:18.7 x 12.2  印刷:雙色


A unique "mentor in a pocket" handbook covering the most emotionally-trying experience nurses face

From a world recognized expert on care for the dying, comes the first pocket-sized reference for generalist nurses on palliative care. This handy, portable reference assists nursing in dealing with one of the most emotionally trying situations they face in clinical practice.

Part of McGraw-Hill's Nurse to Nurse series, this title includes PDA download of the entire text, vignettes, nursing alerts that provide just-in-time information on complex or particularly important aspects of patient care, and clinical pearls which provide the benefit of other nurses' valuable experience in dealing with end-of-life care. Coated flex-binding repels stains.

The new Nurse to Nurse series is specifically designed to simulate the teaching experience nurses learn best from: trusted mentors carefully explaining what they must do in specific clinical situtions. Written in a consistent, single-author voice, this series brings the wisdom and experience of some of the foremost experts to non-specialist nurses in clinical care.

Table of contents
Nurse's Pocket Guide to Palliative Care
I. Nurses role in providing care to dying patients
a. ANA Scope and Standards of Practice
b. ANA Social Policy Statement
II. Patient Characteristics
a. Trajectories
b. Settings
c. Diagnoses
III. Needs
a. Patients
b. Families
IV. Communication
a. Nurses role
b. Collaboration with physicians
c. Breaking bad news
d. Discussing treatment goals and DNR
e. Discussing hospice
f. Imminent death notification
g. Death notification
h. Discussing organ or tissue donation
i. Discussing autopsy
V. Symptom assessment and management
a. Pain
b. Dyspnea
c. Nausea and Vomiting
d. Fear
e. Anxiety
f. Delirium
g. Anorexia
h. Constipation
VI. Withdrawing life-sustaining treatments
a. Mechanical ventilation
b. Dialysis
c. Pacemakers, AICD
d. Artificial nutrition and hydration
VII. Anticipatory Grief
a. Patient needs and interventions
b. Family needs and interventions
VIII. After death care
a. Body
b. Family
IX. Nurse self-care