NMS Review for the USMLE Clinical Skills Exam


Arias / Lippincott
2008 / 2

定價NT$ 1,200
NT$ 1,140

頁數:320    裝訂:平裝  開數:27.5 x 21.  印刷:黑白

This fully revised Second Edition offers a complete review for the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills (CS) exam. It covers all diseases encountered on the exam and prepares students to interact with patients, take a good medical history, perform a focused physical examination, develop a workup plan, and write an organized patient note. Numerous sample cases and patient notes are included.

This edition has new chapters on ethics in primary care; Step 2 cases and medical notes; and trauma medical notes. A new chapter format and design highlights essential information: chief complaint, questions to ask, key points, and workup plan.