Atlas of Small Intestinal Disorders: Integrated Case Presentation

315-051C/ 9789863680017




2014/ 1

定價NT$ 950
NT$ 903

重量:0.75kg 頁數:264    裝訂:精裝  開數:26.7*19.5  印刷:彩色


Atlas of Small Intestinal Disorders: Integrated Case Presentation
is edited by Prof. Cheng-Tang Chiu, Prof. Hsiu-Po Wang and Dr. Yang-Yuan Chen, and contributed by many well-experienced gastroenterologists and endoscopists in the field of small bowel diseases. With abundant illustrations, this book provides valuable information learned from the diagnoses and treatments of the patients with intestinal diseases in Taiwan. It also introduces the advances of the latest medical technologies in small intestinal medicine, such as capsule endoscopy, double-balloon enteroscopy, and single-balloon enteroscopy. The book is a good example of academic collaboration and the achievement is satisfactory.


In recent decade, gastroenterologists have the privilege to witness ground-breaking renaissance of small intestinal imaging with the technological advent of wireless capsule endoscopy, double-balloon enteroscopy, single-balloon enteroscopy, spiral enteroscopy, computed tomography enteroscopy, magnetic resonance enterography, high-resolution transabdominal small intestinal ultrasonography, etc. Small intestinal disorders are now readily diagnosed and even endoscopically treated, in conjunction with or in replacement of surgeries. Our knowledge in small intestinal disorders continues to grow exponentially, in an accelerating speed that traditional comprehensive gastroenterology textbooks might not cover well. We believe that a concise case atlas of small intestinal diseases with broad spectrum and practical imaging exhibitions will be a timely companion to practicing clinicians, gastroenterologists, and endoscopists all over the world.

Atlas of Small Intestinal Diseases is the collective intellectual work of members of the Taiwan Association for the Study of Small Intestinal Diseases (TASSID) which began since 2007. The publication of the Atlas summarizes previous case discussions of TASSID and also heralds the academic commitment of TASSID to continuous academic excellence of small intestinal medicine.

There are several unique features of The Atlas that deserves addressing. All the presenting cases are from Taiwan. The Atlas collected a wide spectrum of clinical cases of small intestinal diseases and demonstrated with various kinds of imaging modalities. Each case is presented in succinct clinical profile and discussion format and supplemented with imaging exhibitions. It makes the Atlas a convenient reference for busy clinicians.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all contributing coauthors. Without their devotion and diligence, The Atlas cannot be accomplished. Last but not the least, we hope that your will find The Atlas useful in caring and improving the health of patients with small intestinal diseases.

 Ch.1       Benign Neoplasms    1
 Ch.2       Malignant Neoplasms       39
 Ch.3       Inflammatory Disorders     99
 Ch.4       Structure Disorders   131
 Ch.5       Vascular Disorders    141
 Ch.6       Miscellaneous Disorders   173
 Ch.7       Enteroscopic Therapy Techniques     213
 Index                      243