Health Promotion in Nursing Practice


Pender / Prentice Hall
2010 / 6

定價NT$ 1,300
NT$ 1,170

頁數:368    裝訂:平裝  開數:23.1 x 17.8  印刷:黑白

Description :
For BSN and MSN courses in health promotion, and as a supplement to community nursing courses.

This book presents a strong, up-to-date foundation for understanding and building the science and practice of health promotion. It has three goals: to introduce the major individual and community models and theories that guide health promotion interventions; to offer evidence-based strategies for effective health promotion in practice settings; and to foster critical thinking about future opportunities for research and more effective interventions. This Sixth Edition is thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research and terminology. New coverage includes: the U.S. Government’s Healthy People 2020 Goals; more ecological approaches encompassing families, communities, and nations; new health promotion technologies, and more.